— Biography
Carlos Nuno Lacerda Lopes, is an Architect and Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto. He is the author of the PhD thesis “Projects and Ways of Living” presented in 2007 to the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto; investigates themes related to Innovation in Architecture, Design, Construction, Scenography, Ways of Living and develops professional activity at CNLL I Architecture, Design and Engineering.
Moved by this creator, the CNLL mirrors the values, methodologies, quality criteria and its idea of architecture, which is based on Man as the central figure of the built space, in an eternal appeal to the senses and the inexhaustible will for experimentation.
With wide professional experience in programs of different scales, dimensions and complexity, it has been developing numerous reference projects in Portugal and abroad.
From institutional works to collective and individual housing; from business, commercial and service spaces to industry; from urban equipment to urban and planning projects; to the design of scenarios for the most relevant National Theatres and for Television, or through the design of furniture, products and equipment, we perceive beyond the entrepreneurial and innovative side that puts in their work, the new understanding and dynamics that the creative professional acquires nowadays, assuming himself as a privileged agent in the transformation and creation of new spaces, places and desires.
Throughout his activity, he has participated in several individual and collective exhibitions of Architecture, Design and Scenography, works that have already been worth, together with his activity as an architect, several awards and several national and international publications.
— Architect
“Designing is the exercising of critical consciousness guided by a strategy of thought and action in a certain context.”
I don´t know if my architecture seeks the singular … That’s not the reason why I wake up every day, and why I work. I think I seek out more the experience. I search the experience and not the memory.
I can say that I don´t look for reproducing one truth. But I just wanted to discover. Go in the wrong direction… Open new areas that are not architecture specific fields. Though more and more we are not limited. To open paths and be wrong through the art. Also by the architecture, the landscape. By the time we cross without repeating truths.
Often what we see, are others´ truths. Are memories. Memories that are not ours. Visions that don´t seek the “new” and all that is unrepeatable. And I have some difficulty in accepting this. I think we all have to make our own journey. We have to make our mistakes. We have to try and not follow others´ lives, reproducing their memories, repeating some false philosophies, fake coherences.
And that makes me worry a lot about architecture, as in art. So I have a relationship with art because it mirrors (as music does)… it rigorously reflects our times but furthermore than our times, it reflects upcoming times, that we´ll have to go through, and we also have to understand.
I enjoy studying arts in general, cinema, theater also… All this, I think, deeply contributes to build up our experience, what we want to do, what we expect from what we´ve created. And that’s what makes it…
You can say that it makes it a little singular, that things are all different from each other. Of course they are! I hate repeating a formula. Hate repeating a solution, a proportion, even a geometric layout, a typology. If I can develop others, I prefer.
And that’s what moves me through creating, through this permanent conflict of building our own experience, this willingness to do something different. Not just because it is different, but because things are different every day. Because everyday life is a new experience. And it is for this new experience that we must be prepared.
Architecture, as said Robert Rauschenberg, “Art does not come from the Art”. I also think that “Architecture doesn´t come from the Architecture”. You need to see other things. You must to be on other things. You need to understand other things. And above all, understand people, understand the times, understand our own willingness to do things. And not accepting what others present us, some “logics” that many schools teach and that students reproduce. And all this is really disturbing.
I think we have to be free and accept our freedom and our commitment to create. So things don´t have to be equal, don´t have to be easy to understand, aligned. So I enjoy the experience more than continuity, find me locked in a certain idea of coherence.
Nuno Lacerda Lopes
— Research and innovation
Projecto, Inovação e Modos de Habitar
Novos Modos de Projectar, Construir e Habitar
BIM (Building Information Modeling)
Construção Digital
Ambiente Construído e Sustentabilidade
Integração Urbanistica e Sociedade
Habitação e Território
SmartBuilding & SmartCities
Construção Sustentável e Novos Materiais
Ensino, Empreendedorismo e Cultura
Intervenção Cívica e Política
Produção e Divulgação Cultural e Artística
Democratização e acesso à informação
The scientific activity has focused on research on the aspects of Design, Construction, Architecture and Ways of Living in its relationship with the social and economic phenomena of today’s Portuguese, assuming the idea of Housing as something phenomenological that takes place beyond the space of housing that contemporaneity reveals to us. Since 2007, we have been pursuing the study on the relationship between the way of projecting (conception) and the ways of inhabiting (appropriation), deepening the research initiated and expressed in the PhD thesis. The production of articles and books on these themes is part of the process of monitoring and scientific guidance of researchers and students of the second and third cycles that we have constantly monitored and supported.
In parallel we have been developing Research and Technological Development (R&D) activities in business environment, coordinating NITEC- IDI Research Centers (supported by the Innovation Agency, IAPMEI and AICEP) in the scope of Architecture, Engineering and Design with the objective of developing Innovation projects to support the Portuguese Industry and small and medium enterprises. In this context several research projects were developed where we assumed the coordination (Moby Air, Land and Water; Eco-innovation) and developed several technical and scientific reports as well as, as collaborating elements of a wider research team (iBuild/LNEC); we have frequently produced written, original material in order to submit several research project applications, of which we highlight the authorship, organization and submission of a large and large R&D&I project to Norte 2020 (Digital North), with a view to standardizing processes of digitization of Architecture, assuming the coordination of 15 CEAU Researchers integrating the areas of Design and Construction, Building Systems and Materials, Heritage, Rehabilitation, Territory and City.

— Teaching
Professor Doutor com Agregação da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto desde o 1987 com diversos Conteúdos Pedagógicos produzidos, Acompanhamento e Orientação de dissertações para obtenção de mestrado e doutoramento.
Coordenador do grupo de investigação Centro de Inovação em Arquitectura e Modos de Habitar (CIAMH) que se dedica ao desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de internacionalização e de interligação dos investigadores e dos diferentes trabalhos de investigação sobre a Arquitetura, Projeto e Construção nas suas diversas vertentes, de modo a instigar alunos de Mestrado Integrado a desenvolverem metodologias de investigação e inovação aplicadas ao exercício da Arquitetura.
Professor ativo na inovação pedagógica e científica, participa nas jornadas de Inovação Pedagógica da UP, na permanente procura de atualização, investigação e integração de processos de inovação pedagógica e científica, aplicada às Unidades Curriculares de que é regente, do qual resulta a candidatura ao Prémio de Excelência Pedagógica da Universidade do Porto, edição 2015/2016, tendo sido selecionada pelo júri para a final com o trabalho realizado na Unidade Curricular Construção 2.0, intitulado “Novas e velhas matérias na sala de aula”, disponível online na curta-metragem “Mão na Massa”.
Convidado pela UJES a preparar um programa para um curso de Arquitetura, a abrir no Instituto Superior Politécnico do Huambo em 2010/2011, tendo por base as práticas Pedagógicas da Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto e devidamente adaptado à realidade do país. Nos primeiros anos de implementação do curso, contribuiu na coordenação dos conteúdos pedagógicos e dos planos de curso aprovados, desenvolvendo diversas atividades pedagógicas com os docentes e com os alunos do curso de Arquitetura no Instituto Superior Politécnico da UJES.
Desde 2010 até à presente data
– Regente da Unidade Curricular Construção 2, do 3º ano (Anual), do Mestrado Integrado FAUP.
– Regente da Unidade Curricular Projecto BIM – Building Information Modeling disciplina opcional de 4º e 5º ano (Semestral), do Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura, FAUP (2016/2017).
– Participou como formador em cinco edições do Curso de “Building Information Modeling (BIM)”, uma organização conjunta entre a Ordem dos Engenheiros (Porto e em Lisboa) e a Universidade do Minho, curso para arquitetos e engenheiros .
1988/2009 – Assistente e Professor da Unidade Curricular Projeto do 1º, 3º e 4º ano (Anual), FAUP
-Durante estes anos é também Orientador de Dissertações e membro de Juri para obtenção de Doutoramento, Mestrado e de Licenciatura em Portugal e Angola.
2008/2012 – Colabora na criação e é Coordenador científico do Curso de Arquitectura no Instituto Superior Politécnico do Huambo, da Universidade José Eduardo Dos Santos no Huambo, Angola.
-Colaborador ao nível da docência e organização de atividades académicas e extracurriculares no Curso de Arquitectura da Universidade Metodista de Angola, Luanda.