CNLL® is a company that provides projects and services in the field of architecture, engineering, urbanism, landscaping and design, with a dynamic bet on qualified human resources, innovation, technology, communication, environment and creativity, communicating and intervening in a global world.
It assumes itself as a house of creation, research and innovation, based on the experience of more than twenty years, with high technical skills of its staff and using the most advanced technologies, based on the values of sustainability, ethics and social responsibility.
CNLL® is a company where the intense search for total and integrated quality is the guarantee of validation and justification of the relevance of its work, going far beyond the needs of its customers. To achieve this goal of excellence, it invests in creativity, permanent research, development and innovation. Always with a clear customer orientation.

CNLL® seeks to exceed the needs of our clients beyond their expectations and gain their confidence and satisfaction. The awareness of the social and cultural responsibility of our activity, insofar as architecture is the just expression of an evolutionary relationship of Man with the World that surrounds him, guides us to the concern of building and defending a better and more careful human and built environment.
From the sketch to the work, our perseverance in understanding the needs and requirements of the client, as well as their contextualisation, is constant. At CNLL® the client is an active element that participates and accompanies the elaboration of the whole project and/or service that requests us. From this interaction, we believe, a dynamic partnership relationship is born and developed in order to solve problems and build solutions that the global project must incorporate.
The project is an instrument with its own methodology that presents itself as an integrative and evolutionary process for the creation of solutions and whose attributes or variables for its production are not determined with a fixed number and degree of importance. From the integration of customer requirements to the knowledge of different technicians, we believe that the process of gathering information that is considered in the design of the project is the responsibility of technicians, thus legitimating an important conceptual diversity of solutions that CNLL® seeks to develop from project to project or in its services.
We are vigilant in the creation of value for the company and in the optimization of all resources; we strive for the execution of projects and services within the scheduled deadlines; we ensure the quality of the choice of materials used, to which we add concern and respect for the environment; we defend throughout the process strict compliance with safety and welfare standards and the current and contemporary meaning of lifestyles. All this has been the basis of the politics and personality that characterize us.
The valuation and accountability of our employees are, on the one hand, essential premises for our corporate culture, supported by their active participation in the process of continuous improvement, seeking the best working conditions and interpersonal relationships and, on the other hand, leads us to join individual efforts towards quality and continuous innovation, with a view to sustainability.
Our ideal is the constant search for personal satisfaction and innovation, where creativity in the elaboration of solutions takes into consideration that quality must be an attribute that is present throughout the life cycle of a product or service, and not only at the design stage.
Quality and Innovation at CNLL® include checking the conformity of the solutions adopted, made compatible and critically analysed during the process of elaboration and coordination of projects, with permanent respect for others and the natural and social environment where it operates.
The leadership of the service provided by the CNLL® is based on the loyalty of teamwork, the participation and involvement of those responsible for preparing the work with creativity and novelty, in the various phases that make up the process of developing the project and the work – the ultimate goal for which the project is made and which justifies and turns an idea into reality, a design in space, a dream in feeling, a need in architecture.

These departments have different functions and practices. However, they are not impervious to form, physical space or resources. Interaction and versatility are fundamental principles that the CNLL® has always developed and intends to maintain. Considering that art and science are not impervious compartments and that the contribution of other areas of knowledge and methodologies can be creative and qualified material, it has in this model or ideal of organization a method for productive efficiency.
IMSD – Integrated Management System Department
This is the department that ensures the operation of the Integrated Management System (IMS), which includes the certification of quality that has been in place since 2004 with the certification in RDI, its success being translated into continuous improvement. To this end, it develops the methodology of the work organisation and seeks to keep the IMS Policy alive and active, involving all internal and external employees, subcontractors, partners and clients and is attentive to the implementation of opportunities for improvement in a timely manner and deals with all complaints and non-conformities so that the System remains alive and evolving.
MPD – Management and Planning Department
This department carries out financial management, human resources, accounting and overall resource planning. Here the established goals are planned and managed.
FMD – Foreign Markets Department
This department, in a structured manner, expands the company’s area of operation beyond the occasional execution of projects outside Portugal. This outlines an internationalisation plan that has been implemented and relies on effective and concerted management in the remaining departments, without which CNLL® could not project itself into the global market.
TLD – Technical and Logistics Department
This department is characterised by support for all departments with secretarial and logistical tasks. It ensures the updating of the necessary material resources allowing an adequate response to all projects, being also an image of CNLL®, in contact with the outside.
CMD – Communication and Marketing Department
CNLL® supports its development in a marketing and communication strategy, developed by the communication and marketing department. This department works on the whole image of the CNLL®, of all products, services and projects; from the management of the logo, the coherence of the architectural language to the tone that the company uses to communicate. This department supports the entire internationalisation strategy. It intends to have updated and concerted all forms of communication giving it coherence.
DAU – Department of Architecture and Urbanism
The architecture and urban planning department is the core of the company’s design. In this department various works are developed, from small scale (housing) to large scale (plans, allotments, institutional buildings, among many other types of project), having as a principle the quality of the project and trying to guarantee the symbiosis between the company, the client and the building entity. The projects executed are from several areas of Architecture (previous studies, licensing and execution) to Urbanism (master plans, allotments), intersecting also other areas and knowledge.
This department is responsible for providing technical assistance to the work, minimizing possible errors of execution and having as concern the development of projects with quality, in accordance with the specifications of the owner of the work, with the legislation in force, in the time determined by the planning of the project and adapting the necessary resources in order to have a final product optimized and executed as best as possible. The DAU has been the visible face of the workshop constantly adapting its language and transmitting the CNLL brand identity in all the projects it develops.
DES – Design Department
The design department is an extension of the architectural project. This department tends to extend the CNLL® language from architecture to interior design and furniture, scenography, among others, thus creating a harmonious and cohesive space. However, this department tends to demarcate itself conquering an individuality and independence and having a representative character in the national and international design production panorama.
The design work of CNLL® has come closer to a contemporary but sensitive language in which form conveys emotions.
RDI – Research, Development and Innovation Department
In an era of vertiginous development of construction technology, the need to update knowledge and innovation is urgent. Therefore, since 2006, we have been developing new concepts, products and services, in a research and development nucleus supported by NRTEC – Nucleus of Research and Technological Development, giving rise to a research, development and innovation department that has this dual character: on the one hand, to investigate contemporary needs and new responses existing in the market and, on the other hand, to develop diversified solutions that can offer our clients the appropriate answer: the best of living spaces. This department aims to be the engine of innovation, the link of exchange with the technological society, the link for a constant updating of knowledge.
The working methodology of this department is not only research work but also the development of projects that apply the new construction technologies. It also aims to transmit knowledge to the entire company on current issues in the world of construction and even more in society.
This department also carries out tender projects and preliminary studies, as these must be innovative in order to compete in a competitive market. The RDI projects developed cover the four types of innovation, namely product, process, marketing and organisational.
DEL – Department of Energy and Landscaping
The department of energy and landscaping brings together two of the aspects that CNLL® has been incrementally exploring, seeking to intervene in a more sustainable way. The conscious management of energy and natural resources is the primary concern that guides our activity, in the search for solutions for a more sustainable development. In this way we introduce its conscious and considered management of natural resources at the initial moment of the project, seeking to predict energy consumption, incorporated energy, resource consumption, emissions, waste production, among other aspects. Furthermore, landscaping has been a natural extension to the activity of architecture and urbanism, being an increasingly important area in defining space; from urban to rural, from natural to humanized. Landscaping presents itself as a complement to the design of architecture and/or urbanism or as an area of independent action.
DEC – Department of Engineering and Construction
The engineering and construction department prepares projects of the different specialties, technical assistance, supervision and construction. This department is also responsible for the works, minimizing possible execution errors and having as concern the development of the projects with quality, in accordance with the specifications of the project owner, with the architectural project, with the legislation in force, in the time determined by the project planning and adapting the necessary resources in order to have an optimized final product.
First of all, a business project is done by people. Since its foundation, CNLL® has been committed to structuring and training a solid team that integrates very different knowledge, skills, experiences and personalities but all integrated in a culture of strong customer service, conceptual rigour, creative commitment and the incessant search for innovative ideas and solutions.
The CNLL® team is structured around Nuno Lacerda Lopes, a national and international award-winning architect and university professor. With him, there are professionals with a solid background and notorious experience.
Professionals who make the diversity of their individual career paths a powerful added value of complementarity and mutual help at the service of the CNLL® Team and its Customers.
A competitive company aims to provide a global, quality and innovative service to its customers by trying to creatively interpret their needs and respond constructively to their essential objectives. But CNLL® intends more: the goal is, in the various phases of interaction and collaboration, to exceed their initial expectations. Always seeking to surprise with detail and to obtain a coherent final result, where the values of society and the time in which we live, are mirrored in the spaces, objects and solutions we propose.
In an effective and precise way the needs of the clients must be understood and properly studied in order to converge in a web of knowledge where the main objective of satisfaction does not prevent the necessary quality that the services and works must contain. A sense of ethics and respect for the values of discipline and of Man in a comprehensive and global sense.
CNLL® considers partners as entities with which, as a result of the complementarity of competences or common interests, they are associated in order to enhance synergies or share costs and risks.
The aim is to establish new partnerships and strengthen existing ones in order to provide a more comprehensive and global service, where the synergies of partners are enriched by other experiences and knowledge and can strengthen and enrich our new services and products, as we live in a global world where individualism no longer takes place and union and sharing brings significant added value to all participatory institutions.
The Company and its suppliers are interdependent but maintain a mutually beneficial relationship, which reinforces the capacity of both to create value, with the following advantages: flexibility and speed to respond in a concerted manner to market variations or to changes in customer needs and expectations; and optimization of costs and resources. This results in the definition of relationships that articulate short-term gains with long-term relevant issues; exchange of resources and skills; identification and selection of key suppliers; easy, clear and open communication; and joint definition of development strategies.